Monday, March 10, 2008

Fake Buyer Agents - Now Fake Exclusive Buyer Agents

Most home buyers don't start out wanting to know about agency.

Usually they get interested if they get burned by a bad real estate agent or if they read the many consumer publications that advocate using a buyer agent or an exclusive buyer agent.

If you do research you will find that the definition of "Exclusive Buyer Agent" is a company who only represents buyers, never sellers. They never take listings.

However now there are some real estate agents who are falsely advertising "EBA" in hopes of tricking uneducated buyers. It is quickly becoming a national problem.

Julie Tuggle, a home buying expert from North Carolina recently posted an article here that goes into some detail here:

Will the REAL Exclusive Buyer's Agent Please Stand Up?

The bottom line, if you want to buy a home it is worthwhile to learn the real story about buyer agency.



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